New Fiber Assets Available!

Remote learning is now an integral part of how college students will learn and collaborate. Institutions need dense fiber infrastructure to provide a foundation for learning apps for decades to come. Dedicated fiber solutions provide:

  • Superior security
  • Long-term scalability and sustainability
  • Custom designed IP security and cloud solutions

The Learning Environment Has Changed...Are You Ready for It?

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)

The CARES Act provides a $14.25 billion Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) for institutions of higher education to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of these funds, 90% is allocated to colleges and universities based primarily on their share of students receiving the Pell Grant. At least 50% of these funds must be distributed as emergency financial aid to students who have had their semester disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The remaining 50% can be used for institutional uses, although an institution could choose to allocate more than 50% of funds for emergency aid for students.

Schedule a meeting below with an Ed-Tech Expert to find out how your institution may be eligible for HEERF funds.

Learn more about HEERF

Schedule a 30-Minute Meeting with an Ed-Tech Expert

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