Afraid of E911 compliance? We can help!

Ray Baum’s Act, Phase 2 requirements go into effect in January 6, 2022. This is the deadline by which non-fixed phone lines, such as softphones for Zoom Phone, 8×8, and LogMeIn will need to have features in place to comply with Ray Baum’s Act.

Secure Voice Service

  • Station level E911 – building location, floor level, and room number as required by the FCC (Ray Baum Act)
  • Ability to incorporate softphones into an E911 database
  • Online customer portal allowing for real time updates to be made
  • Ease of Use and management: GoToConnect’s award-winning, intuitive admin portal makes MACDs easier to manage than ever before.
  • Time-proof Software: GoToConnect customers benefit from updates to software so their system is never outdated. Also if compliance requirements change, GoToConnect will automatically update accordingly.
  • Student Safety: GoToConnect integrates with paging systems, door locks, and emergency notification systems to enhance overall security of each campus
  • Pricing Model: GoToConnect is the only provider offering low monthly costs for the low-usage classroom phones, making it the most affordable solution on the market.
  • Voice failure platform
  • Significant cost savings
  • Station level E911 – building location, floor level, and room number as required by the FCC (Ray Baum Act)
  • Ability to incorporate softphones into an E911 database
  • Online customer portal allowing for real time updates to be made
  • Enhanced reliability over PRI with aging copper facilites
  • Redundant transport and edge border controllers
  • Secure private call delivery, isolated from public internet traffic
  • Maximize existing WAN uplinks to current customers
  • Call path flexibility, no longer limited by purchasing call paths in blocks of 23
  • Dedicated fiber connectivity with aggressive SLAs
  • Secure private call delivery, isolated from public internet traffic
  • Maximize existing investments in WAN/DIA circuits
  • Options for additional and/or diverse internet capacity
  • Options for redundant voice transport and geo diverse edge border controllers

Trusted Partners

We can help with compliance

Are you meeting the requirements necessary to be compliant with such and such before January 6, 2022?  Meet with an expert to customize your solution.

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